June 15, 2012


Almost a year ago, I decided to become a vegetarian. For all the usual reasons: ethics and the cruel treatment of animals; the scariness of being infected by bad meat; a desire to make healthier food choices. Mostly, people have been supportive, although there are some who are defensive. Just to be clear, I don't have anything against eating meat (although it is difficult not to judge sometimes, I'll be honest. But this is only because I see what bad choices I used to make, and now regret them).
During my travels, I was so impressed with how conscious people in other countries are about eating healthfully, and what a bad reputation we Americans have got in the global community. I've always been pretty health-conscious, but the various food scares over the last two years really motivated me to take more control over my diet.
In Australia and Korea, it was all too easy to decide to keep on eating meat. The standards there are higher, and animals are not as subjected to the same horrors as the animals we raise here for consumption. Knowing that I was coming back to that not only inspired me to stand up in protest, but scared me into realizing that we are playing a dicey game with our health. Hopefully, the food I eat and the reason why I eat the way I do will inspire others to make healthy, ethical choices, as well.
The beautiful food I've cooked lately has inspired me to share with everyone.  I have to be more conscious about the meals that I prepare, as I don't want to become bored, and so I am enjoying the colors and the variety of textures in my food. There are new combinations to try out, too, and I have become more adventurous in trying out new products and cuisines.
One of the points that I think isn't emphasized enough is that when you opt to focus on eating a vegetarian diet is that food becomes tastier. I can't believe that I ever used to think salad was bland, because now I can taste the rich and delicious flavor of every item in the mix.
So here's to traveling and food, and the richness of variety that is now a part of my everyday life.

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